27 Mar Three Health Emergencies that First Aid Helps With
It is important to know how to react in an emergency situation, and one of the biggest situations that you could come up against is a medical emergency. If you are able to do the right thing you could even end up saving someone’s life, so experiences like these emergency first aid training courses www.tidaltraining.co.uk/emergency-first-aid-training-courses/ are well worth going on.
There are many types of health emergencies that you may need to react to in everyday life – here are some examples…
Breaking a Bone – This can happen to anyone – an elderly person is more at risk as not only are falls more common, but older people tend to have bones which break more easily, but broken bones are also something that can happen by accident at any life stage. Knowing when to recognise a broken bone and help the person stay safe and comfortable is an important part of first aid.
Choking – When it comes to choking, a fast response is essential – the airway will not work when it is blocked with food, and therefore, knowing how to respond quickly and correctly to dislodge the food is something that you should be aware of. The Heimlich manoeuvre is the technique that is used to deal with this.
Allergic Reactions – People can have allergies to all sorts of things, from certain types of food, to incidents like bee stings. Many people may not even know that they are allergic to something until they experience a reaction, and this is something that can be deadly. Knowing how to look for the signs of an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock can save a life.
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