
Whether you're looking for the latest designer menswear or you need a great new suit, you can find everything you need at Ralph Lauren. They carry an entire line of men's fashions, so no matter what you need, you will be able to find it. The great thing about going with a designer menswear company like Ralph Lauren is that you can try on different styles and dresses in the comfort of your own home. You don't have to worry about trying them on and wondering if they fit or not, because the salespeople are always there to help you find the perfect outfit.
Many of the fashion icons of the 20th century were men. Most of what we consider to be fashion icons were created by men, though there were women who did some amazing things in the world of fashion styling as well. Some of the top fashion icons of the early twentieth century were Audrey Hepburn and Marlon Brando. Both of these Hollywood stars had very unique and interesting styles. Marlon Brando's dark, rich, and deep features, as well as his accent and Italian gestures made him an even more beloved Hollywood sex symbol.

It is a fact that there are a lot of people who are addicted to mobile phones. Some may need it for calling others or chatting with them, while others simply use it to check their mail and listen to music on the phone. This...

The choice of shirt is a very important part of getting ready for an event.  No matter what the occasion you need to make sure that the shirt you choose is correct and fitting for it.  There are a few simple rules and guidelines that you can take when deciding what outfit to go for in these circumstances.  If you are a bit stuck for things to wear are a trip to EJ Menswear and their range of Tommy Bowe Menswear is ideal as a start point.
When thoughts turn away from the warmth of the summer, it comes to that time of year and the flip flops and Ray bans need to go back for another year in the cupboard. You managed to get a wonderful summer look, so what's the new buzz for the winter months? Whatever it is EJ Menswear has got it covered, especially XV Kings Menswear.

Men are traditionally very difficult to buy for. With Christmas soon upon us, what can you buy the man who has everything? They won’t want just any old nonsense, so there will need to be some thought. If the man in your life says he...

Surprise your loved ones with a gift they actually need and like! Buying men gifts is a task many people dread. The choices are unfortunately a lot more limited and less fun. Countless fathers, brothers and partners are too familiar with receiving long green woolly...