18 Apr The difficulties faced with challenging behaviour
When it comes to challenging behaviour we can see that this is one of the most difficult of the mental health illnesses that is hard to manage and to understand. Overall challenging behaviour can be a complex and difficult issue to manage. However there is hope. The right strategies and support for the individual should help them learn how to manage the emotions that they feel and to moderate their behaviour effectively. This will lead to an improved quality of life both for them and for those around them. A good starting point is to go on a Challenging behaviour training course that organisations like Tidal Training can provide.
Above all else it should be recognised that the person that is suffering from this is not intentionally looking to be aggressive. This is hard for many people to retain in their memory when it is happening. That’s hardly surprising though. As human beings we react to our surroundings and stimuli in much the same way. therefore if someone is being aggressive towards us we either become more passive or aggressive back. This could only heighten the problems of somebody with challenging behaviours.
The person suffering is merely trying to make sense and interpret their world. They are also trying to communicate it to us with what they need and to build a relationship. If they can’t do this through no fault of their own via mental incapacities then it’s no wonder that they react the way they do.
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