How to know when it’s time to replace your TV

How to know when it’s time to replace your TV

Some people immediately buy the latest television as soon as it is released, regardless of the condition of their current set. Others prolong the use of their ancient models for as long as possible, even when performance starts to deteriorate. Just how do you know when it is the optimum time to replace your TV?

The lifespan of a television

There is a popular perception that modern devices do not last as long as they did in the past. The most recent televisions do have more complex software components that often have shorter lifespans, simply because they are doing more work. Older TVs did not have to worry about smart components and the internet. Mechanical elements, such as the backlight, also degrade over time. The exact lifespan depends on the components, the frequency of use, and how well you maintain your television.

Average time between replacements

Different people have different priorities in televisions. The average length of time between replacements is between six and seven years, but those who care more about small improvements in quality or just having the latest technology may upgrade more frequently, whilst those who prefer the sustainable approach may wait for a full decade. Other factors, such as moving to a new home with different space requirements, may also influence the choice, as will the comparative availability and expense of repair or installation. For instance, can provide TV aerial installation Stroud, but may also offer repairs and maintenance.

Television warranties

Another factor that may influence television is its warranty, which for a modern device will usually last for one year. If you purchase a faulty product, you will want to fix it within the span of the warranty, whilst if you are out of warranty, there is little you can do but replace your broken television. Sometimes, an extended warranty will be offered, for a price.

In conclusion, there are a range of factors that may influence when you decide to purchase a new television. You need to weigh them all up before you make a decision.

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