19 Aug How does a submersible pump work?
What is a submersible pump? How does a submersible pump work? It is a hydraulic pump powered by an electric motor positioned, as the name implies, submerged, that is, a few meters deep in the liquid it must move.
This tool is extremely useful and much more used than you think: the possible uses range from the movement of liquids in cellars and garages, or more generally in the condominium area, to use on construction sites for the handling of debris and in sewage systems.
The versatility of submersible pumps derives from the fact that there are various types. A first difference can be found between those dedicated to clear water, i.e., clean water or with very small residues of material, and those dedicated to dark or black water, which must be able to move fluids with more important debris has mechanisms more complex. You can read also: How to restore an old trunk
How does a submersible pump work?
At first look at the submersible pump working diagram:
But let’s try to deepen what a submersible pump works: in this article, we will describe the main aspects. The flow rate is the quantity of fluid that the pump can transport in a given period, usually measured in a period expressed in minutes. On the other hand, the head is the height expressed in meters at which the pump can push the fluid. It is interesting to relate flow rate and prevalence: when the latter increases, in fact, generally, the former will have to decrease. The pump’s requirement to satisfy will give useful indications regarding the required flow rate and head.
Another aspect to consider is the maximum depth, which is the depth to which the pump can be immersed at the most. The latter issue is particularly relevant, for example, when it comes to pumps for wells. Keep reading: How to remove rust stains from plastic tub
The role of the float in the operation of a submersible pump
What is the float? It is one of the most important components of the submersible pump. This component is also known as the “water regulator,” which consists of a switch that causes the pump to move when the fluids reach a certain height. In the same way, it manages to block the pump when the movement of liquids must stop.
Submersible pumps and operation: what is the mechanism?
A submersible pump is a complex system because it consists of a hydraulic part and an electrical part. In operation, the pump transforms electrical energy into kinetic energy, which, in turn, is transformed into pressure and in this way, the fluid in question is lifted upwards.
Despite the complexity of the components to be well maintained, the mechanism is in itself simple: the float starts the pump only when necessary (to prevent it from running empty), after which the above steps are activated and the electricity starts the impeller which, by pumping the liquid, pushes it upwards.
The characteristics mentioned above – flow rate, head and depth – allow us to understand under what conditions the pump will therefore be able to start this mechanism and help us identify the model of our interest.
A system to be chosen with care and maintained
From what has been said so far, we have understood that the operation of the submersible pump, albeit simple, depends on a series of electrical and hydraulic elements that must work well in concomitance. Furthermore, the large number of possible uses of the pumps makes it difficult to choose the right model, that is, suitable for your purpose.
Given these premises, let’s conclude with a couple of tips:
Relying on professionals right from the start: Preferably, the choice will have to fall on a company that can supply and adjusts the pump’s electrical components (the motor, trivially) and the hydraulic components. It is also necessary – if the use foresees it – to have a professional dedicated to purging.
Don’t forget about purging: They should also be considered. It is, in fact, a fundamental step in maintenance and the first element to consider for verification.
Constant maintenance: It is necessary to organize constant maintenance activities so that the whole pump is checked and repaired, if necessary, without incurring a replacement prematurely.
In general, it is always advisable to contact experts who can offer installation services and constant assistance.
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