These Foods Can Help Your Mental Health

These Foods Can Help Your Mental Health

Mental health is something that we all have to manage from time to time. Stress, depression and anxiety are all common conditions that can affect your enjoyment of life. It is well known that exercise can be effective in managing mental health conditions, but did you know that your diet also plays a role? Here are some top foods that can help your mental health.
Dopamine-Boosting Foods

According to Harvard Health, dopamine is the chemical released in the brain that gives us feelings of pleasure. Foods that help boost dopamine include meat such as beef, lamb and turkey, as well as protein-rich vegetables like broccoli and leafy greens.

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Foods that Regulate Serotonin

Serotonin is known as the ‘happy hormone’ and is responsible for our moods. Foods that are good for maintaining optimum levels of serotonin include nuts, sweet potatoes and seafood.

GABA Foods

GABA is an amino acid that helps us to feel relaxed. Foods that are rich in GABA include oats, nuts, spinach and oranges.

Foods Rich in Choline

Choline is a nutrient found in food that helps with brain function. Lower levels of this nutrient may be a factor in developing low moods and fatigue, and can also affect cognitive functioning. Foods that provide a rich source of choline include seafood such as shrimp, tuna, scallops and cod, as well as green vegetables like Brussels sprouts.

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A good diet provides us with a range of nutrients that support our mental well-being. So taking care of our diet may help to manage some mental health conditions.

Education also plays a key role in helping to manage mental health. You can find plenty of information online, or look up mental health training courses Milton Keynes or other places around the country. More details of what you might study as part of a training course can be found at

If you are struggling with mental health, seeking advice from a healthcare professional is worthwhile. They will be able to advise you on diet, exercise and other treatments that can help you overcome your symptoms.

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