02 Apr 15 ways to look younger
Wear sunscreen
Age spots and wrinkles are caused by the long term effects of ultraviolet rays on our skin. Wear sunscreen to keep your skin looking younger for longer.
Get enough beauty sleep
Skin cells repair damage to DNA while we sleep so it really is essential to get enough sleep for your skin to look at its best. Adults should aim for between seven and eight hours sleep every night.
Drink water
Aim for at least litres a day. You won’t directly hydrate your skin but you will improve your overall health and that will be reflected in your glowing complexion. Women should be drinking around 1.6 litres a day. That’s eight glasses of 200 ml each. Men need closer to 2 litres per day or ten glasses of water.
Stop eating sugar
You don’t need sugar and nutritionists say that it accelerates signs of ageing in the skin. Cut it out of your diet and see for yourself.
Get enough exercise
Walking, running or doing your favourite sport will improve your circulation, increase blood flow to the skin and give you a healthy, rejuvenating glow.
Try botox. Botulinum toxin A injections will fill out wrinkles around the eyes and mouths. Botox is very safe, but it is worth finding an experienced practitioner.
If you still smoke, stop!
Smoking is not only very bad for your health, it also reduces the flow of oxygen to the skin and so speeds up the degeneration of collagen, leading to more wrinkles.
Have your teeth whitened. You can have this done professionally by your dentist for around £700 or you can take the do it yourself route and buy a teeth whitening kit on-line for less than £50.
Drink less alcohol
Alcohol dehydrates the body and dilates the fine blood capillaries on your face, giving you that boozy, red look. What’s more, it has an inflammatory effect throughout your body that encourages signs of ageing.
Consider a tummy tuck
Nothing ages you as much as middle age spread. For abdominoplasty you may wish to consider the business https://www.carapharmacy.com/en/Benefit/b-743.aspx who use the Benefit cosmetics brand.
Fancy a face lift?
If you are thinking about it, consult the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons for more information and a list of reputable, reliable practitioners.
Eat more oily fish
The essential fatty acids in oily fish or a high grade fish oil supplement will not only help with brain function but will also improve the health of your skin cell membranes and so stop your skin from becoming very dry.
Have more sex
Studies show that couples who have sex regularly look ten years younger than adults who don’t.
Don’t lose too much weight.
It is a difficult act to get right but too flat a stomach can also result in too thin a face. A little flesh around those cheekbones will make you look a lot younger.
Get a good haircut.
A fashionable style can knock years off your appearance and a fringe works wonders when it comes to hiding wrinkles.
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