How trees can damage your property

How trees can damage your property

The world as we know it is under threat. The very life that sustains our existence is struggling. Biodiversity is under constant pressure from us and our expanding lifestyle that the world we live in can’t cope with. One of those features is trees. In this country, we have already lost the Elm, apart from a few selected places, and now the Ash is also under threat. A significant degree of the country’s biodiversity is lost if it goes. It puts an even greater strain on the Oak, itself not so secure, and beech trees along with birch and the larch. It also means we plant more hardy but not deciduous varieties such as pine and evergreen. However, whilst we must do everything we can to protect wild woods and forests, there is the question of if a tree can cause significant damage to your property and how.

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If you have trees growing near you then you should certainly keep an eye on them. One of the most common causes of injury and damage is that of a tree losing branches and falling on a car or even through a window. There have been cases where very strong winds have lifted the entire tree into a house. This can cause massive damage, so it’s wise to consult a tree surgeon. It may mean that the branches of the tree need to be maintained as opposed to falling completely.

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It’s not just the parts of the tree that you can see that cause damage. What you have to remember is that tree roots are stretching out beneath the soil and go almost as far as the branches that you can see above. This means that far-reaching roots may begin to start breaking into foundations.

The most common factor in tree root damage is when it breaks into the house drainage system. A Sewer Pipe Lining Wolverhampton based company like can be on hand to help. The tree, or trees, are looking to find a good water source and your drains are the perfect outlets for them.  They reach out and break through the pipes casing. If you’re getting flow back, but the local trees are looking healthy, this might be an indication that the worst has happened. It is fixable, and the tree doesn’t need to be harmed in the process.

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