19 Jun A surprise for the insurance companies
10 years or so ago insurance companies thought that they would have some fun with social media. trying to engage with the people that bought insurance from them they asked where they kept their car when it wasn’t in use and at home. Expecting to be deluged with the response of “my garage” they were extremely surprised to find that this was not the case at all. In fact only 50% of those that confirmed they had a garage to put the car in said that that’s where it actually resided. This was due to how cars are and the way they do not rust or show the same weathering signs as those from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. As a result people are more inclined to keep their cars on the driveway or on the roadside. Sadly the garage becomes simply a place to store junk or if the person is creative they look to convert it to some other use.
This was interesting news for the insurance companies as they laboured under the impression that the garage was synonymous with car use and nothing else. They began to look at lowering tariffs for those that utilise garages more than those that kept them on driveways and the roadside.
Naturally this made many people reconsider the use of their garage and if you’re considering doing something with yours then you would be best having a look at the Garage Doors Swindon based company https://www.upandoverdoorsltd.co.uk/garage-doors/swindon
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