04 May Can You Catch a Sexually Transmitted Infection Through Oral Sex?
One of the questions often asked by people who are curious about sexually transmitted diseases is “can you catch an STD through oral sex?” While the answer varies depending on which STD you’re talking about, there is a pretty high chance that you can catch an STD if you engage in oral sex. There are many ways that this could occur, including being infected by a lesion or warts that were already present on another part of your body and then developing in your mouth. Many people don’t realise that they can develop these infections in their mouths whether or not they have had them elsewhere. These can be on areas such as the genitals, anus, and throat.
Now, it’s true that some cases of gonorrhea and herpes can be passed along through oral sex. If you don’t practice safe sex and you don’t use things like use dental dams, you might also come into contact with an infected person. If you believe that you might have been exposed to an infection, you should visit your doctor for a diagnosis. Alternatively, consider using Home StI Kits London from Checkurself
You might be able to get an infection from engaging in oral sex and you could still pass it back and forth between partners. This is why it is always advisable to make use of barriers, like dental dams for example.
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