Reading your gas meter

Reading your gas meter

In the UK, the most common gas meters are digital metrics, digital imperial or dial meters. Here is a guide on how to read this type of meter.

Gas gauges have a 4 or 5 digit number display that shows how many gas units you use in your home.

To find out how many units you are using, you can reduce the previous reading from the current one. Your gas provider will convert the units into kilowatt hours, and this is what you will see on your bill.

Digital metrics

This meter measures gas in cubic meters (m3)

Write down all the numbers before the decimal point from left to right

Ignore the numbers after the decimal point

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Digital imperial

You might have one of them if your meter is older. This meter measures the gas in cubic feet (ft3).

Note 4 digits from left to right

Ignore the numbers that appear in red

Dial meter

If you have a meter of this type, you will see dials like a clock with numbers from 0 to 9.

Make a note of the numbers on the left dial and note the number whose arrow points to it. When the pointer appears to be in the middle of two different numbers, note the smaller number. If the pointer is between 9 and 0, record it as 9.

Ignore numbers or numbers that are red

Your gas supply number

If you decide to switch gas suppliers or move to a new building, you might need to find your meter reference number (MPRN) or called ‘M’ number. This number is unique to the meter box supplied at your property. If you notice it’s time for a new meter box, consider the wide range of Gas and Electric Meter Box replacements at

Should you be unable to locate it on the actual meter, it will be written somewhere on your energy bill. If you’ve just moved into a new property and have not yet received a bill, you can contact the National Grid meter help line.

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Know your usage

It is normal for people to use more energy in colder and darker winter months for lighting and heating. If you want to calculate your usage, your bill will display kWh, but your meter will show cubic meters or meters. You can find out your usage by doing the following:

Reduce the current reading from the previous one. If you measure in cubic feet, multiply the number by 2.83 to convert to meters. Next, multiply by 1.02264. Find the heating value on your bill and multiply the number you have with the value on the bill. Divide this number by 3.6 and you will have a kWh number.

Double your kWh number to the rate found on your bill which is pence per kWh. You will then have a figure that shows how much your gas consumption is costing you.

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