04 Feb Four Things to Do in the Winter to Keep You Well
Winter is a time of year to spend more time indoors, and as the natural world sleeps to preserve its energy and to keep warm, humans should also remember that at this time of the year, energy tends to be lower and the focus should be on keeping warm and nurturing your inner world.
There are lots of activities that you can do during the winter to do this, here are a few of them that can help you to match nature’s rhythm and feel more fulfilled…
Clean your House – Around the time that winter starts to draw to a close, cleaning and tidying your home is like having a fresh start. This time of the year is perfect for getting everything ready for the upcoming year, and it is a really good time to have a deep clean and also a de-clutter. Of course, tackling all of this in one go can be exhausting, so doing a little bit and focussing on one room at a time can help you to get this done before winter is out.
Nourish your Body – In the winter, our bodies need vitamins more than ever to help keep us well. The weather and the fact that more germs tend to go around at this time of the year means that we should make sure our bodies have all they need to be able to fight off an illness. Eating well in the winter is an essential part of this and including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet will help your body get what it needs.
Be Creative – Spending time nurturing your creative side is important in the winter and can help you to deal with low mood, which can be a common thing on those dark winter days. Get a knitting kit like this woolcouturecompany.com/collections/knitting-kits to create some homemade winter woollies or have a go at painting and create some winter landscape pictures for example.
Take Care of your mental Health – Make sure that you take the time to care for your mental health in the winter as this is a time when it is common to feel a little worse mentally, especially if you already have a mental illness. Take time to do things that can help you to feel better and tell someone if you are feeling that you are struggling.
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