Why Is Grease So Bad For Plumbing?

Why Is Grease So Bad For Plumbing?

This is one question that comes up often with people wondering why grease is so bad for plumbing. If you have ever seen a drain in your house or even in your yard running slow, it is likely that the grease is making it run slow. Grease is a thick and sticky liquid that flows from the sink onto its way out of the pipes. This happens because of the oils and grease from the food that you eat as well as from the washing machine or dishwasher.

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There are many health hazards associated with grease and there are many ways to deal with it. Some of these include using a drain cleaner made especially for plumbing. If you simply pour the grease down the plug hole, it is not going to take long before you will see some unsightly stains that will cause a clog. You may also need to remove all of the oil and grease from the inside of the pipes and put a cover on it so nothing will get into them. For Copper Pipe Connectors, visit a site like Watkins and Powis, a supplier of Copper Pipe Connectors

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Now, you have learned about why grease is so bad for plumbing. You should know that in order to fix the problem you are going to need some type of grease remover. Some of the basic options that are out there are grease eating cleaner, muriatic acid and an ozone generator. Each of these products can be found in hardware stores.

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