Best Practises for Designing Your School’s New Website

Best Practises for Designing Your School’s New Website

In today’s digital age, every company and every organisation needs a website to create an online presence and improve their reputation and popularity. This rule also applies to schools, and if you are in charge of a school, it is important that you put some time into creating or improving your website. Having a well-built website for your school is crucial for conveying information, building a positive image, and fostering communication. In this article, we will give you some good practices to consider when creating or improving your website.

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One of the primary functions your school’s website should serve is keeping the parents informed about school events, news, and important dates. Your website should have a clear news section that is dedicated to informing the parents about what is going on in the school. You can include if any upgrades are planning to take place, or if any new sports clubs are starting that may interest their children. You should also include a section with a clear calendar for important events. These events could include exam schedules, parent evenings, and school performances. In addition to this, you should also have a newsletter opt-in option for parents so they can receive weekly emails with all the news and updates from the school.

Your website should also offer engaging content that can capture the attention of visitors. Your website should act as an advert for your school, and parents trying to decide which school to send their children to, can visit your website and learn more about your school. You should include images and videos to showcase school activities, student achievements, and the learning environment. You can also include student success stories if one of your students has made the local news or produced an impressive piece of work.

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One main feature your new website should include is an effective communication channel. This can either be in the form of a live chat, so parents can get any questions they have answered quickly. Or you can have a feedback or survey section, which will give parents an opportunity to leave their thoughts and input into how the school can make improvements. Make sure to leave the contact information of the school on the website, so parents can easily contact someone if there is an emergency. If you need a company to help you create Primary School websites, you can contact a company such as FSE Design.

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